Splunk reveals AI’s adoption+trust equation is yet to balance right.

  • Splunk research suggests that despite increased adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) within organizations, trust remains a significant challenge.
  • All respondents reported plans to implement or have already implemented AI technologies, yet concerns include building trust, ensuring data privacy and security, managing system reliability, and ensuring data quality.
  • As per the report, top-rated AI concerns of decision-makers in public and private sectors are trust and reliability of AI-enabled systems, particularly in relation to cybersecurity.
  • The survey reveals similar rates of AI adoption among federal agencies (79%) and across the public sector (83%), leading to homogeneous AI goals and challenges.
  • Among public sector respondents, continuous monitoring was seen as the top defense tactic against cybersecurity attacks on AI-enabled systems, followed by threat intelligence solutions and incident response planning.
  • The report indicates that cybersecurity is the key use of AI with 80% of respondents already using AI to tackle cybersecurity priorities, including AI-enabled monitoring and risk assessment.
  • Furthermore, a significant majority of respondents (78%) feel that global ethical principles should guide the regulation of AI rather than it being under the jurisdiction of nation-states.
  • The survey also highlights a willingness from both the public (53%) and private (44%) sectors to use AI for automation to boost productivity within their organizations.

The research paints a detailed picture of the current state and future prospects of AI adoption across various sectors. While the potential of AI in transforming processes and improving efficiencies is widely recognized, organizations must address the obstacles and lay out a comprehensive planning framework for positive business outcomes.

The convergence of AI and cybersecurity is specifically noteworthy, as organizations are beginning to use AI-enabled systems and tools for risk assessment, threat analysis, and continuous monitoring. But building trust in these technologies and ensuring their reliability is a critical challenge that firms need to overcome.

At the regulatory level, the sentiment among respondents is clear – AI regulations need to be guided by global ethical principles rather than left to individual nation-states. This underscores the need for a universally accepted set of principles and rules governing the use and deployment of AI technologies.

The findings also underscore the importance of automation as a major driver of AI adoption, which is expected to enhance productivity across organizations. However, the path to widespread AI adoption will continue to face hurdles until there’s a clear body of rules and principles for AI technology use and adoption.