Climate Finance: Fintech Nithio Secures $10M to Power African Ventures.


Fintech company Nithio has raised $10 million for its African operations from the Netherlands Development Finance Corporation. The funds will be used to finance solar energy for productive use in the region.

Fintech company Nithio has secured $10m in funding for its Facility for Adaptation, Inclusion, and Resilience (FAIR) from the Netherlands Development Finance Corporation (FMO). The funds will be used to finance solar energy projects for productive use in Africa. Nithio provides climate finance solutions that focus on clean energy and aims to expand energy access in the region.

Climate fintech, Nithio, has secured $10m in funding for its Facility for Adaptation, Inclusion and Resilience (FAIR) from the Netherlands Development Finance Corporation (FMO). The funds will be used to finance solar energy projects for productive use in Africa. Nithio provides climate finance solutions, focusing on clean energy, and aims to expand energy access in the continent.

Nithio, a climate fintech company, has raised $10m for its Facility for Adaptation, Inclusion and Resilience (FAIR) from the Netherlands Development Finance Corporation (FMO). The funding will be used to finance solar energy projects for productive use in Africa. Nithio aims to address climate change by expanding clean energy access on the continent.