Battling fraud without burdening consumers – Jumio’s challenge at Singapore Fintech

  • Jumio is working towards combating fraud without burdening end users
  • It recognises the increasing demand for digital identity and is exploring solutions to make it widely available

At the Singapore Fintech Festival, Anna Convery, CMO at Jumio, provided insights into the world of identity verification and personal data management. She highlighted the ongoing industry-wide efforts to combat fraud and expressed Jumio’s commitment to ensuring these efforts do not impose undue burdens on end users.

Elaborating on the increasing popularity of digital identities, Convery pointed out that there are still many factors to consider before this becomes widespread. Though she didn’t specify these factors, they presumably involve matters related to security, data privacy, integration with existing systems, and user convenience.

She also discussed Jumio’s role in supporting financial institutions in their brand-building efforts. This typically involves helping them establish a secure, user-friendly interface for identity verification, which end users can trust and rely on for completing financial transactions.

The interview provided an opportunity to learn more about Jumio’s strategies for combating fraud and its thoughts on the future of identity verification. By taking a balanced approach, the company aims to make its services beneficial to both financial institutions and their customers.

In an increasingly digital world, the need for robust, user-friendly identity verification systems is more important than ever before. With companies like Jumio striving to improve these systems, end users can have greater confidence in completing their online transactions securely.