Liberis & Money20/20 USA: Unleashing the Power of Embedded Finance.

  • Sara Hafner, SVP Global Partnerships at Liberis, discusses the growing interest in embedded finance among SMBs at the Money20/20 USA.
  • Embedded finance refers to the integration of financial services into non-financial offerings.
  • SMBs are seeking alternatives to traditional banks for finance applications, and value the personalisation and seamlessness offered by embedded finance options.
  • Liberis is a partner-based distribution model, working with partners to access the merchants they have.

At the Money20/20 USA event held in Las Vegas in October, FinTech Magazine interviewed Sara Hafner, Senior Vice President of Global Partnerships at Liberis. The main topic of discussion was embedded finance, defined as the integration of financial services into non-financial products and services.

Hafner explains that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly searching for alternatives to the traditional High Street Bank for their financing needs. Many are finding these alternatives in the form of personalised and seamless embedded finance solutions. With embedded finance, SMBs can access financing according to their own terms and preferences.

Fear of rejection is a significant pain point for many SMBs when applying for financing. Hafner suggests that one of the benefits of embedded finance, with its personalisation and pre-approval processes, is its potential to alleviate this fear. Liberis is keenly interested in bringing down these barriers and promoting the democratisation of access to funding, facilitating growth in the process.

Liberis operates on a partner-based distribution model, and Hafner emphasizes the crucial role that partnership plays in the company’s operations. By working closely with partners who have access to merchants, Liberis aims to deliver mutually beneficial growth and value for both SMBs and its partners.

The focus of Liberis on seamless and personalised embedded finance options, as well as their strong commitment to partnerships, reflects a shifting landscape in the finance industry that increasingly seeks to cater to the unique requirements and expectations of SMBs. This trend is one to watch in the future for businesses and financial service providers alike.