Adyen and Straumur team up, revolutionize payments in Iceland.

Adyen, the global financial platform, is partnering with Straumur, a payment provider in Iceland, to simplify payments in the country. Adyen will act as the card acquiring bank for Straumur’s operations, allowing merchants to collect all payment data from various sales channels on a single platform. This collaboration aims to create simpler and more seamless payments for Straumur’s merchants and customers. Straumur currently processes around 25% of payments in the Icelandic market and offers payment solutions for grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, and gas stations.

Tobias Lindh, Managing Director of Adyen Nordics & Baltics, expressed excitement about entering the Icelandic market and partnering with Straumur. He believes that Adyen’s financial technology platform, combined with Straumur’s local payment processing offering, will result in easier, safer, and more seamless payments for consumers in Iceland. Lilja Ólafsdóttir, Managing Director of Straumur, sees the collaboration as an opportunity to boost technical capacity and expand the range of services offered by Straumur.

This partnership aligns with Adyen’s commitment to working with partners that push the world of payments forward. By partnering with local payment providers like Straumur, Adyen aims to provide better payment solutions and customer experiences in different markets. Adyen’s Unified Commerce function will enable Straumur to create better customer insights and journeys across all consumer channels for commerce. This collaboration highlights the importance of strong partnerships in the fintech industry to drive innovation and improve payment processes.