10x Banking and Mast: Power in Numbers for Cloud-Native Mortgage Origination

TLDR: 10x Banking, a cloud-native SaaS core banking platform, has partnered with Mast, a cloud-native mortgage origination platform, to provide real-time connectivity and streamline data exchange in the UK mortgage industry. The partnership will enable lenders to automate processes and enhance customer experiences through efficient integration between systems.

10x Banking and Mast have announced a partnership to enable real-time connectivity between their platforms, streamlining data exchange in the UK mortgage industry. The partnership aims to provide UK mortgage lenders with a quick and simple integration path, eliminating the need for manual re-keying of data between systems. The integration will offer various features specific to the UK mortgage market, including product creation and account onboarding.

The partnership is seen as a key milestone for 10x Banking in supporting the transformation of the UK mortgage and building societies markets. It will allow for customer-facing innovation and a rethinking of the mortgage lifecycle using cloud-native tools, which will unlock new growth opportunities for clients. By automating processes and removing manual data entry, the platform can greatly improve operational efficiency and customer experiences.